A few important points here:
1. Today is Awesome Gamer Day. +Jez Gordon just made it up. That's awesome. Be awesome today. Game.
2. The Giff is part one of my offerings for AGD. I hope it soothes the hippoman-shaped hole in your 5e gaming experience thus far. (Also, finding epic pics of fighting hippomen is really challenging.)
3. I'm still not entirely satisfied with the firearms as written. They are just dangerous crossbows at the moment, I will think on it and get the arquebuses up to snuff soon(ish).
Again! Enjoy AGD. #AwesomeGamerDay #AGD
So... I present:
The Giff
Hippomen… in Spaaaaaaaace! (Some of the tiiiiiiiiiiiiiime).

Giff adventurers generally look for fame and fortune in the form of war and weaponry. Giff bristle with armaments and passionately love new and interesting weapons.
In mercenary engagements, giff will not usually fight one another. Both sides will retire from the field for a day to discuss the situation. After field negotiation, which involves lots of drinking and rank sorting, both companies tend to quit their hirings and look for work elsewhere. On rare occasion, the two fighting outfits may band together to fight for one side.
Giff Names
Family names are usually less important to giff than their company or outfit name. Rank also tends to be extremely important.
Male Names: Raa, Seeko, Faras
Female Names: Rei, Kalbe, Avon
Established Giff Military Companies: The Red Flash, The Behemoth Blades, Frenzy’s Furies (an all female company, though it’s hard to tell the difference).
Giff Traits
Giff are broad, muscled and massive. They value strength and combat prowess. They respect the chain of command.
Ability Score Increase: Your Strength and Constitution scores increase by 2.
Age: Giff age much like humans, but do not enjoy old age. Many would prefer to die in glorious battle.
Alignment: Giff tend toward Lawful Neutral.
Size: Large
Height: 8’+2d6 inches. Weight: 360 +2d6 x height modifier result in pounds.
Speed: 30
Charging Headbutt: On a charging attack, a giff can make a powerful headbutt attack against the target. The headbutt deals 2d4+ Strength modifier damage, and the target must make a Dexterity saving throw (DC equal to attack roll) or be knocked prone. This attack requires 10 feet of running space.

Giff Academy Training: Giff have advantage on History checks regarding heraldry, warfare or military tactics.
Giff Weapon Training: Giff are trained in the use of firearms and the weaponry of officers. All giff have proficiency with arquebuses and a martial melee weapon of choice (usually long sword or sabre).
Academy Armour Training: All giff have proficiency with light and medium armour. Due to their large size, armour costs are doubled for giff.
Languages: You can speak, read, and write Common and Giff.
Arquebus, Heavy: 1d12* piercing damage (ammunition, heavy, dangerous, loading)
Arquebus, Light: 1d10* piercing damage (ammunition, heavy, dangerous, loading)
Arquebus, Pistol 1d8* piercing damage (ammunition, light, dangerous, loading)
Shot is usually forged of iron or steel, however other metals have been used.
*Dangerous: these weapons deal grievous wounds, but are dangerous to the wielder as well. Roll two dice for damage and take the higher result. When an attack roll is a natural 1, these weapons malfunction dealing damage to the wielder instead.
If you prefer a good misfire table for firearms, check out: