Hello! My name is Inigo Montoya...
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Kick-ass Avenger and Rumoured Dread Pirate |
Oaths. All we got out of 4e was some Enmity. How about some other oaths? I've done my prerequisite twenty minutes of googling. Oaths abound! After all well-known oaths of allegiance, citizenship and fealty are put aside, there are still a few left over.
- The Oath of the Horatii: you shall go forth with your brothers to defend the honour of Rome against three brothers from Alba Longa. This oath is fairly situational - you need 2 brothers, first of all. Probably a time machine wouldn’t hurt.
- The Oath of Tyndaeus: you shall protect the fella that marries Helen of Troy. This oath sucks.
- The Hippocratic Oath: you shall do no harm. Mechanically, zero fun. May be a heal-venger. That sounds especially crap-tastic.
- The Oath of Inigo: “My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die!” (Greatest. Oath. Ever.)
Avenger Oaths should be as varied as the oaths spoken in the vastness of history, art and film. What follows are a few ideas about Avenger Oaths; homebrewed ideas. While I have tried to think about balance and measuring the cost versus reward for these Oaths, I also have to take into account that I don't actually care about balance and if you do - don't use these powers. It is all just homebrew, after all.
At the cost of a feat, an Avenger can acquire a second Oath option. I recommend that an Avenger only be permitted one type of Oath (and use the complementing Channel Divinity power once) per encounter. I would only encourage this to reduce confusion.
At no cost, an Avenger can replace Oath of Enmity and Divine Guidance with another paired Oath and Channel Divinity effect. These alternate Oaths behave as the Oath of Enmity (unless otherwise noted); targeting a single enemy target until it is defeated and the Oath can be sworn upon an new enemy.
Gods of war and destruction (Kord, Bane, Gruumsh) encourage followers to inflict devastating damage on their enemies. Avengers of these deities wield massive two-handed weapons to maximize effect.
Oath of Onslaught, roll one additional damage die, drop the lowest result. Level 16, 2 additional dice, drop the lowest.
- Channel Divinity, Incur the Onslaught: when an ally rolls 1 on a damage roll against your Oath target, reroll the damage die and add Int mod or Dex mod to the damage.
Gods concerned with justice, freedom or vengeance (Avandra, Bahamut, Melora, Tiamat) seek to set right that which is wrong.
Oath of Justice/Vengeance, deal additional damage to target when it deals damage to allies. [+1W] on next hit, target is marked.
- Channel Divinity, Make Vengeful the Meek: when an ally is struck by the Oath target, that ally makes a basic attack in retaliation with +Wis mod to hit.
Gods of darkness, trickery and secrecy (Sehanine, Lolth, Vecna, Zehir) make great assassins of their avengers. They attack from the shadows and wrap themselves in defensive blackness.
Oath of Secrecy/Shadow, gain concealment from target on successful hit or partial concealment on miss.
- Channel Divinity, In Shadow We Prevail: target ally misses Oath target with an attack, ally gains partial concealment and combat advantage against Oath target until end of their next turn.
Gods of the dead and undying (Vecna) convey upon their avengers the power to raise new allies from their fallen enemies.
Oath of Ghouls, attacks against the target deal necrotic damage and the target can be raised as a ghoul once it has been slain (as a standard action). This oath can not be sworn again while the ghoul is risen - however, the avenger has gained an ally for the day. Good-aligned avengers don't tend to take this oath.
- Channel Divinity, Growl of the Grave: target ally hits your Oath target, Oath target takes necrotic damage equal to Wisdom mod and suffers -2 to attack rolls until end of its next turn.
Gods of madness, fear and tyranny (Asmodeus, Torog) show their faithful how to invoke fear and menace their enemies with hellish visions.
Oath of Insanity/Fear, the avenger attacks against Oath target menace psyche; avenger attacks gain the psychic OR fear keyword and target Will defense, on a hit the target can be pushed 1 square.
- Channel Divinity, Eye of the Mad Gods: when an ally misses the Oath target with an attack, the attack is rerolled and affects the targets Will defense instead, the target is pushed 1 square.
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The Horatii, Brothers in Arms |
Some Oaths require only the bonds of friendship or love to fuel them; unlike the above Oaths, these Oaths are sworn to aid allies. The Oath lasts the length of the encounter and can not be re-sworn as the Oath of Enmity.
Oath of Blood, deep brotherly Oath that forges a connection with an ally rather than an enemy; you can split damage and healing (50/50) between yourself and one ally (range 10).
- Channel Divinity, Band of Brothers: when your Oath ally is bloodied by an enemy, you may make a free charge attack (+Wisdom Mod to hit/damage) against the target if it is within 5 squares.
Oath of the Brave, the avenger speaks the Oath and his allies are emboldened; all allies within 5 squares gain +1 on saving throws.
- Channel Divinity, Raise the Banner: an ally becomes bloodied, all allies in the zone gain temporary hit points equal to Wisdom modifier.
Oath of Chivalrous Protection, protect one ally in 5 squares. Granting a nimbus of protection, +1 to defenses until the end of encounter. When you hit any enemy, you grant temporary HP to your Oath ally equal to Wisdom modifier. If your Oath target falls, you suffer -2 to attacks until the Oath ally is raised above 0 HP.
- Channel Divinity, Intervening Vengeance: an attack targets your Oath ally, the avenger can choose to intervene by teleporting adjacent to the Oath ally and taking the damage. The avenger then deals damage to the triggering enemy equal to half the damage taken.
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