The Hengeyokai
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Using only their prodigious testicles, these Tanuki have disguised themselves as the Seven Gods of Luck. The one in the middle does a very convincing Fukurokuju. |
Hengeyokai are a race of shapeshifters that share the nature of man and animal. Hengeyokai have much in common with humans: language, names, culture. However, they have no clans of their own and they can be just as wild as their animal half. Hengeyokai are usually fiercely protective of their true nature and only reveal themselves to their closest allies.
Though Hengeyokai may pursue any profession, they generally favour the rogue, fighter and sorcerer classes.
Hengeyokai Traits
Ability Score Increase: Your ability scores increase based on your animal type.
Age: As humans.
Alignment: Hengeyokai are rarely lawful and usually follow alignments close to their type.
Size: Medium, but Hengeyokai vary in shape and size greatly.
Hybrid form: 3’6” + 6d8 inches, 80 + 1d6 x height mod pounds.
Animal form: average for animal type.
Human form: as humans (p 33 Basic Rules)
Speed: 30
Shapeshifting: Hengeyokai can assume three forms: human, animal or hybrid form. You can change form a number of times equal to your level plus constitution modifier. Transformation takes one round to complete and the hengeyokai can take no other actions during this time. Armour and equipment do not change form along with you - you must make provisions for that, as needed. When slain, hengeyokai do not change shape.
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Various Hengeyokai... Or just awesome Star Fox Ukiyo-e by thejedhenry |
Animal Form: In animal form, you are virtually undetectable from other normal animals (your animal form is not an illusion and can not be detected by magic that reveals illusions).
The animal form grants Darkvision to 120’ and the power to speak with animals.
The animal form usually confers special movement abilities which are detailed in the sub-race section (otherwise, use applicable animal statistics in DMG).
The animal form has several drawbacks: you can not cast spells, wear armour, wield weapons or use equipment. Though you understand any language you know, you can only speak the language of animals.
Edit: (Hit point reduction removed.)
Edit: (Hit point reduction removed.)
Human Form: As the animal is undetectable from other animals, so is the human form from other humans. However, you bear some distinguishing characteristic of your animal form. In human form, you can cast spells, wear armour, wield weapons or use equipment. You can understand the language of animals, but you can not speak it. You do not gain the benefit of the animal form movement abilities as a human. You have full hit points in your human form.
Hybrid Form: In the hybrid form, you look like a bipedal version of your animal form. You have all of the benefits of both animal and human forms (except the special animal form movement abilities). The hybrid form is clearly not human or animal, so the hengeyokai will be identified for what it is (occasionally, in certain cultures, hybrid hengeyokai are mistaken for lycanthropes).
Languages: You can speak, read, and write Common and know the language of animals.
Subrace: Choose an animal form subrace.
Carp Hengeyokai Traits
Ability Score Increase: Your Constitution score increases by 1 and Wisdom scores increase by 2.
Animal Trait: As quipper (no blood frenzy).
Hybrid Trait: Underwater breathing. You gain advantage on athletics checks to swim.
Cat Hengeyokai Traits
Ability Score Increase: Your Intelligence score increases by 1 and Dexterity score increases by 2.
Animal Trait: As cat.
Hybrid Trait: You gain advantage on acrobatics checks and athletics rolls to jump.
Crab Hengeyokai Traits
Ability Score Increase: Your Strength score increases by 2 and Wisdom score increases by 1.
Animal Trait: As crab.
Hybrid Trait: Underwater breathing. You have a natural AC of 13 plus Dexterity modifier. However, you find it difficult to wear other armour over your shell plates.
Crane Hengeyokai Traits
Ability Score Increase: Your Wisdom score increases by 2 and your Charisma score increases by 1.
Animal Trait: As vulture (no pack tactics).
Hybrid Trait: Lucky charm, one ally can reroll a failed attack or saving throw. This ability refreshes after a short/long rest.
Dog Hengeyokai Traits
Ability Score Increase: Your Constitution score increases by 2 and your Charisma score increases by 1.
Animal Trait: As mastiff.
Hybrid Trait: You gain advantage on perception checks for sniffing and smelling things out.
Drake Hengeyokai Traits
Ability Score Increase: Your Constitution score increases by 1 and Charisma score increases by 2.
Animal Trait: As raven with no mimicry, with swim speed of 30 feet and hold breath up to 30 minutes.
Hybrid Trait: You gain advantage on athletics checks to swim and constitution checks to hold your breath.
Hare Hengeyokai Traits
Ability Score Increase: Your Wisdom score increases by 2 and Dexterity score increases by 1.
Animal Trait: As cat (with Keen Hearing, bite for claws, no climb and +10 to speed).
Hybrid Trait: Advantage on athletics checks to jump, +5 to speed.
Kitsune (Fox) Hengeyokai Traits
Ability Score Increase: Your Intelligence score increases by 2 and Dexterity score increases by 1.
Animal Trait: As cat (with Keen Hearing, bite for claws).
Hybrid Trait: You gain advantage on deception checks to disguise yourself.
Monkey Hengeyokai Traits
Ability Score Increase: Your Dexterity score increases by 2 and your Intelligence score increases by 1.
Animal Trait: As baboon. Unlike other animals, monkeys can still use some smaller/lighter equipment (but not armour or weapons) at the discretion of the DM.
Hybrid Trait: Advantage on athletics checks to climb, and no reduction in movement speed when climbing.
Rat Hengeyokai Traits
Ability Score Increase: Your Constitution score increases by 2 and your Intelligence score increases by 1.
Animal Trait: As rat.
Hybrid Trait: You have advantage on saving throws versus poison.
Sparrow Hengeyokai Traits
Ability Score Increase: Your Charisma score increases by 2 and your Dexterity score increases by 1.
Animal Trait: As owl (no Keen Hearing).
Hybrid Trait: Your singing voice is exceptional. You have advantage on performance checks to sing.
Tanuki (Racoon Dog) Hengeyokai Traits
Ability Score Increase: Your Strength score increases by 2 and your Charisma score increases by 1.
Animal Trait: As badger (no Burrowing movement).
Hybrid Trait: You have advantage on rolls to make others look foolish. Outlandish deceptions and practical jokes are your forte.
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