The Avians
Avians are bird-like humanoids: Tengu, Aarakocra, Lunekin and Kenku. Bwaaak!
Avian Traits
All avians share some common traits.
Ability Score Increase: Your Dexterity score increases by 2.
Age: Short to exceptionally long.
Alignment: Avians tend toward Neutral.
Size: Small to Medium
Speed: Small 25, Medium 30
Flight: You have a fly speed of 60.
Smooth Descent: You can reduce falling damage with a Dexterity saving throw for half damage or none.
Unfortunately, Armour: Armour crafted for avians costs double. Flight in heavy armour is impossible (it also negates Smooth Descent). Medium armour impedes flight (half speed). Light armour may be worn with no ill effect.
Talons and Beak: All avians can make a natural attack with talons or beak for 1d4 + Strength modifier slashing damage.
Languages: You can speak, read, and write Common and your avian tongue. Avian languages are usually pronounced through squawks, chirrups and whistles. Some Avians are also comfortable with the languages of air elementals or giant eagles.
Subrace: Choose a subrace from below.
Size: Medium.
Height: 4’6”+2d6 inches. Weight: 100+height modifier result in pounds.
Ability Score Increase: Your Wisdom score increases by 1.
Keen Eyesight: You have advantage on skill checks that involve sight.
Diving Attack: When attacking from high above (in a dive), Aarakocra have advantage on the attack roll.
Aerial Weapon Proficiency: Aarakocra have proficiency with javelins and lances.
Aerial Weapon Proficiency: Aarakocra have proficiency with javelins and lances.
Tengu Traits
Tengu are birdmen that live atop mountains. They are notorious tricksters, renowned martial artists and powerful magic-users. Tengu tend to be solitary and mysterious due to their exceptionally long lives.
Size: Medium.
Height: 4’8”+2d8 inches. Weight: 100+1d4x height modifier result in pounds.
Ability Score Increase: Your Intelligence or Wisdom score increases by 1.
Shapeshift: All Tengu can assume the form of a human once per day per level. This form is always the same and has none of the benefits of the avian form. The Tengu can maintain this form for a number of hours equal to his Constitution score and changing from one form to the other requires 1 action.
Ventriloquism: Tengu can cast Minor Illusion at will. Tengu are limited to auditory illusions only. (Thanks for pointing this spell out, Kasper).
Open Possession: At 3rd level, all Tengu can take possession of a willing host. You become smokelike and enter the body of the host, gaining access to the language and knowledge of the host temporarily. The host can force the Tengu out of its body at any time by reasserting its persona. There is nothing the Tengu can do to remain in possession of the host.
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Dark Sword Miniatures (Painted by Jessica Rich) |
Small and rotund, lunekin (also known as owlmen) are nocturnal hunters and spiritualists (kind of like this, only more humanoid). They pray to the moon goddess for protection.
Size: Small.
Height: 2’7”+3d4 inches. Weight: 35 + height modifier result in pounds.
Ability Score Increase: Your Wisdom score increases by 2.
Darkvision: Your nighttime predations are made easier with powerful night-vision. You can see in dim light up to 120 feet of you as if it were bright light. You can’t discern colour in darkness, only shades of grey.
Moon Dance: When under moonlight, Lunekin can dance/pray to the moon goddess for aid (as a bonus action). This aid can come in one of three forms: a surge of vitality, healing oneself for 1d6+wisdom modifier; a gleam of inspiration, granting a +2 bonus to one skill check; the predatory insight, granting advantage and +2 to hit and damage on a single attack. This ability can only be used once per night. Moon Dance can be used one additional time per night at levels 6, 12 and 18. During a full moon, effects are doubled. Under the new moon, effects are halved.
Kenku Traits
Kenku have strong group dynamics and work best with others. Unlike other avians, kenku do not have the Flight ability. Kenku also do not have the Unfortunately, Armour trait (heavy armour will still negate Smooth Descent).
Size: Medium.
Height: 4’6”+2d6 inches. Weight: 100+1d4x height modifier result in pounds.
Ability Score Increase: Your Charisma score increases by 2.
Flock Effect: Kenku work well with others. When working together on a skill check, Kenku provide an additional +2 to the roll. In combat, Kenku gain +1 to hit and damage when flanking with their allies (the flanking ally also receives a +1 to hit OR damage.
Mimicry: Kenku have a natural skill for mimicking voices and sounds. You have advantage on deception checks to mimic a sound or voice you have heard.
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